VA Disability Compensation Lawyers | Jackson & MacNichol Law Offices

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Veterans Disability Compensation

Fighting for Veterans Compensation

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) pays benefits to veterans who have a service-connected disability. If you served in the military and suffered any physical or mental trauma, you may qualify for Veterans Compensation. But getting the VA to approve your claim isn’t as easy as you may think.

Schedule a Consultation with Our VA Disability Compensation Lawyers

The first thing you will need to do when trying to assess what chance you have of getting disability benefits is to schedule a consultation with us. By reviewing your case, it will be easy to develop a strategy moving forward. The best part about these consultations is they are free of charge.

After we review the type of injuries you have and access the cause, we will be able to give you a clearer picture of whether you qualify for disability benefits. Instead of waiting around and wondering if you can receive benefits for your pain and suffering, you can get definitive answers from our VA disability compensation lawyers.

What You Need to Show

Getting help from VA disability compensation lawyers is the best way to get the benefits you deserve. Our lawyers will give you information on how to file for these benefits and what to expect from the process.

As a veteran, you must show:

  • A current disability: Your disability must be diagnosed by a doctor or other medical professional.
  • Medical nexus evidence: You need to have proof from a doctor that there’s at least a 50-50 chance your disability is a result of your military service.
  • An even in service: You must prove that your disease, injury or mental condition occurred during your service.

If you can prove that you meet these three criteria, the VA will pay you benefits based on the seriousness of your disability. You may receive a higher monthly amount if you have a spouse, children or a dependent parent. As most VA disability compensation lawyers will tell you, getting denied on the first filing is quite common. Staying the course and allowing our team to file an appeal is important.

Proving your disability to the VA can be complicated because it requires service and medical records. The Veterans Compensation attorneys at Jackson & MacNichol can help you with your claim for benefits. Call our office today at 800-524-3339 if you need help with your Veterans Compensation claim.

Common Veterans Compensation Disabilities

Some of the most common disabilities we see from veterans include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) – This injury typically occurs when your brain is injured by a sudden force. It can be due to a concussive blast, explosion, car wreck, assault or any sudden blow to your head. Because it’s an internal injury, you may not have visible injuries.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Under the VA rules, a VA doctor must make an official diagnosis of your PTSD by confirming your stressful experience and checking that your symptoms match those of PTSD.
  • Agent Orange – Disabilities associated with Agent Orange include: lymphoma, prostate cancer, colon cancer, throat cancer, leukemia, other cancers, and many digestive, nerve, skin and respiratory disorders.

While these are only a few of the disabilities we see, the list continues.

Other disabilities include eye injuries, radiation, hypertension, loss of limbs, hearing loss, psychiatric disabilities and personality disorders. Seeking out our help is beneficial due to the information we can give you on what qualifies for this compensation. We have handled a number of veterans’ disability benefits cases and can use our experience to help you get the money you are entitled to.

Regardless of your medical condition, if it’s related to your time in the service, you may have a claim for Veterans Compensation. To get started with a free evaluation, call the Veterans Compensation lawyers at Jackson & MacNichol.

The Veterans Compensation Attorneys That Can Help You

Every day, our attorneys help U.S. veterans get the Veterans Compensation benefits they need. Whether you’re applying for the first time, were denied or just want to improve your rating with the VA, let us help.

Our attorneys are ready to fight for your VA benefits. Call our office today or fill out the contact form on this page for a free evaluation of your Veterans Compensation claim.

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Monthly Disability Benefits
disability benefits
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Total Disability Based On Individual Unemployability
Total disability based
on individual unemployability (TDIU)
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Veterans Disability Compensation
disability compensation
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