Increase Veterans Affairs Disability Rating | Veteran Affairs Lawyers | South Portland, ME

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Increase Veterans Affairs Disability Rating

Veteran Affairs Lawyers in South Portland, ME

Being a veteran in the United States brings about a certain air of honor, especially since you have fought to defend your country and have rendered your services in ensuring that the country is safe. For this, you deserve the right amount of compensation for your injuries or mental health condition. While compensation is available for veterans, certain factors have a say in the amount you’ll receive such as a disability rating. This is where you’ll need a veteran affairs lawyers from South Portland, ME.

The amount you’ll be able to receive as veteran’s disability benefits vary on a disability rating assigned by the VA or veteran’s affairs. This disability rating reflects the extent of a disability and will then be the factor on how much VA benefits you’ll receive. If your injuries have caused a severe impact on your day to day living, you can increase your VA disability rating to get more compensation. 

Experienced South Portland, ME Veteran Affairs Lawyers

If you are one of the disabled veterans who are in need of assistance regarding increasing veteran disability benefits, get in touch with veteran affairs lawyers from Jackson and MacNichol, a reputable South Portland, ME law firm that is experienced in handling cases related to veteran concerns. Lawyers from the law office can assist you in every step of the way. 

If you’re looking to receive sound legal advice and quality representation for your veteran’s affairs case, look no further! Veteran affairs lawyers South Portland ME has from this law firm are equipped with the skills to ensure that you get the best outcome possible and see to it that you never settle for anything less. Contact us to schedule an appointment with Jackson and MacNichol right now to learn more. 

Why do I need Veteran Affairs Lawyers in ME?

veteran affairs lawyersYou or a family member might be suffering from constant pain and a reduced quality of living because of your injuries and might be thinking that getting legal assistance will only bring forth an even bigger headache due to the costs and procedures. Well, getting legal help in obtaining and increasing your VA disability benefits is the first step in ensuring that you never settle for less and enjoy a better quality of life overall. 

The veteran affairs lawyers South Portland ME is proud to have at Jackson and MacNichol, a reputable law office are noted for their excellent service catering to the legal needs of veterans. The lawyers assist service veterans who have been denied their disability benefits to ensure they can get their lives back on track. 

Jackson and MacNichol veteran benefits lawyers can fight for your right to get the rightful compensation you deserve for your injuries and assist you in helping increase your disability rating. Lawyers, who have been providing legal services since 1991, can provide you with legal advice in the said practice area together with quality representation. Schedule an appointment right now. 

What is a Veteran Disability Rating?

Veterans can claim benefits for their injuries and illnesses, particularly if they have been acquired during service or have exacerbated their already existing service-related injuries. However, plenty of factors are to be taken into consideration before giving benefits, and one of those is the degree of the injury. The degree of the injury is the meter on how much veterans are going to get and this is done through a disability rating. 

Of course, there are complicated procedures along the way if you wish to increase your disability rating. This is why it is important to get in touch with South Portland, ME veteran affairs lawyers who are skilled in helping you obtain disability compensation.

How Does the Veteran Disability Rating Work?

The VA Schedule of Rating Disabilities categorizes disabilities based on the body part that suffered from injury in military service. The categories include hosts of issues that have a list of diagnoses together with a code. The code holds symptoms that are to be used in rating disabilities. Each severity level has a list of the symptoms that you must have in order to qualify for a particular percentage of rating. 

How Are Ratings Assigned by Veteran Affairs?

Rating the disability starts at the body system category, locating the diagnosis, and finding its code that matches with your symptoms. VA must review the medical evidence in your file prior to assigning a rating. In the event your disability fits more than one code, you only get paid under one code and if two or more codes are applicable, the VA must choose the code that provides the highest rating.

If your disability isn’t on the list, the VA will search for one that is close to the disability you have. To understand the process better, get in touch with South Portland ME veteran affairs lawyers. 

How Do I Increase My Veteran Disability Rating? 

Upon approval of your disability benefits claims, you can request an increase if you need one. VA is aware that veteran conditions worsen overtime with age. The first thing you have to do is seek an increase in your disability rating and provide medical evidence that your injury got worse. 

To request an updated rating, you need to fill out a re-evaluation request form that’s different from where you initially got treated. Say you received care at a VA or military health facility, you can fill up a Form 21-526EZ for verification.  If you were treated at a civilian facility, you must fill out a HIPAA form or a Form 21-4142 that is required for authorizing medical records release.

In requesting an increase in your disability rating, time is of the essence. If it has been over a year, you can request using the forms above. If it has been less than a year, then you must appeal the initial decision. This process can be quite complicated, so it is important to have a veteran affairs attorney by your side to help you handle the situation. 

Call our South Portland, ME Veteran Affairs Lawyers Now!

Getting compensated for your service-related injuries as a veteran is of absolute necessity. Some injuries can be debilitating and can get in the way of you living your life to the fullest as they make even the simplest tasks excruciating. Luckily, there is a way for you to increase your disability ratings in order to help get your life back on track and while it may entail a complicated process, having veteran affairs lawyers by your side to fight for you makes it all worth it. 

Get in touch with veteran affairs lawyers from Jackson and MacNichol, a South Portland, ME law office. The lawyers from this reputable law firm can guide you in every step of the way in handling a VA disability appeal. Having serviced the Maine area since 1991, the lawyers are more than equipped to help Maine veterans get the benefits you deserve. Schedule an appointment with veteran affairs lawyers right now!

Monthly Disability Benefits
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Total Disability Based On Individual Unemployability
Total disability based
on individual unemployability (TDIU)
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