Monthly Disability Benefits Lawyer | Veterans Benefits

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Monthly Disability Benefits

How to Get Monthly Veterans’ Benefits

If you served in the U.S. military and have a service-related disability, you may qualify for monthly veterans’ benefits from the Veterans’ Administration (VA). The VA pays monthly benefits to you if you were injured in the line of duty. Your monthly VA benefits amount depends on the type of service-related conditions you suffer from. The more serious your disability or condition, the higher your monthly benefit check will be.

The VA pays monthly benefits ranging from $133 to over $3,300 depending on your disability and the number of dependents you have. Your monthly benefits amount can increase if you have a severe disability, loss of a limb; you have dependents such as a spouse, children or parents; or you have a seriously disability spouse.

Winning veterans’ benefits from the VA isn’t as simple as you may think. To get all the compensation you deserve, you must prove your service-related disability and conditions to the VA.

Wait times can be long. The process can get frustrating. And it may take a while for you to get your first check. Before you apply, you should consider working with veterans’ disability lawyers like those at Jackson & MacNichol. If you need to apply, were denied benefits or if you’re unsure if your VA rating is high enough, call our lawyers today.

The Process to Get VA Disability Benefits

For the fastest possible way to get VA benefits, the VA encourages you to apply online through the VONAPP website . Beware of other sites that tell you can apply for benefits. If it doesn’t have .gov in the URL, it may not be a real way to apply for VA benefits. Don’t enter any personal information on sites that don’t have .gov in the URL.

No matter if you apply online or in person, you will need supporting evidence to prove your case to the VA. You should gather:

  • Medical evidence including doctor and hospital reports (this should include military and civilian documentation);
  • Copies of your DD214 or separation documents;
  • Your marriage license (if applicable);
  • Your children’s birth certificates (if applicable)..

All of this documentation and evidence will help paint a clear picture to the VA of your injuries and any dependents you have. If approved, all of this information will be used to determine your monthly benefit amount.

If you need help applying, call the veterans’ disability attorneys at Jackson & MacNichol for help.

Consider Working with Experienced Veterans’ Disability Attorneys

The VA is a large government institution and doesn’t always get things 100% right. Deserving veterans are turned down for benefits they desperately need.

Whether you’re applying for the first time, or if you were turned down for VA benefits, let the veterans’ disability attorneys at Jackson & MacNichol help you get the VA benefits you need.

If you have a service-connected disability, our attorneys want to talk to you to help you get month VA benefits. These benefits can help you pay for doctor’s visits, prescriptions and other necessities you need.

Call our veterans’ disability lawyers now for help

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